week 1

generating and sketching ideas

Idea1: the highlight map view

view the document as highlights without text and maybe show emoji on the side

annotations only desing

Idea2: read the document through annotations

view the document as the annotations from others instead of the actual text

hihglights only desing

Idea3: the emoji map

view the document with a map of emojis on top to show interesting or confusing areas areas

emoji map

Design Iteration

In this iteration we show filters, buttons and a search bar to personalize the reading experience (emoji, username, keyword). We also show a small map of the entire document the reflects the changes without the need to scroll down.

emoji map

2nd Minimap Idea: VSCode

Here is another minimap idea (VSCode) that is attached to the scrollbar and marks highlighted/underlined pieces of text on the scrollbar itself.

vscode minimap gif

abstract art visualizations

example of D3 code that generates art. We can map (e.g. annotation lenghth, time created, offset of highlights, emoji ...) to the encodings of these visualizations

week 2

view and compare

In this iterration the map provides users with a multiple view of the documents that were read and annotated by the user.

first we iterated by showing the documents annotated side by side

annotations only desing

Then we looked at the documents without text and only the highlights

annotations only desing

we explored using vertical lines to seperate the view, and horizontal lines to indicate the length of the document

annotations only desing

we explored the boldnes of the lines to emphasize important highlights (by the user or someone else)

annotations only desing

proposed experience

in this view the highlights vary in color based on the interest of the user, and can add more colors based on the filters. Annotations could be viewed through hovering over the highlights creating a connection between this map view and the original document. Dotted horizontal line indicates the length of the doccument. Legen shows the activated filters.

annotations only desing

week 3

Demo Beta Version

The first view shows a message to invite users to explore the document map. The following message is just a place holder.

annotations only desing

The second view invites the user to pick the readings for the map and the filters.

annotations only desing

The map. It loads gradually showing the document firts then abstracting the details.

annotations only desing